Class Title

  • public class Title
    extends MessageDisplay
    A utilities class to create a title
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Title.TitleAPI
      The type Title api.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Title​(java.lang.String title)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, int show)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, int show, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int show)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int animationTime, int show)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int fadeIn, int show, int fadeOut)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int fadeIn, int show, int fadeOut, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int animationTime, int show, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, int show, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String subTitle, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
      Title​(java.lang.String title, TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Create a title
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clear​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
      Clear the title off the player's screen
      int getFadeIn()
      Get the FadeIn time
      int getFadeOut()
      Get the FadeOut time
      java.lang.String getSubTitle()
      Get the SubTitle text
      java.lang.String getText()
      Get the Title text
      int getTime()
      Get the Show time
      TimedEvent getTimedEvent()
      Get the TimedEvent
      void send​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
      Send the Title to the player
      void setFadeIn​(int fadeIn)
      Set the FadeIn time
      void setFadeOut​(int fadeOut)
      Set the FadeOut time
      void setSubTitle​(java.lang.String text)
      Set the SubTitle text
      void setText​(java.lang.String text)
      Set the Title text
      void setTimedEvent​(TimedEvent timedEvent)
      Set the TimedEvent
      void stop​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
      Stop sending the title to the player
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title)
        Create a title
        title - the title
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     int show)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        show - the show
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int show)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        show - the show
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int animationTime,
                     int show)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        animationTime - the animation time
        show - the show
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int fadeIn,
                     int show,
                     int fadeOut)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        fadeIn - the fade in
        show - the show
        fadeOut - the fade out
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     int show,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        show - the show
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int show,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        show - the show
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int animationTime,
                     int show,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        animationTime - the animation time
        show - the show
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • Title

        public Title​(java.lang.String title,
                     java.lang.String subTitle,
                     int fadeIn,
                     int show,
                     int fadeOut,
                     TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Create a title
        title - the title
        subTitle - the sub title
        fadeIn - the fade in
        show - the show
        fadeOut - the fade out
        timedEvent - the timed event
    • Method Detail

      • getSubTitle

        public java.lang.String getSubTitle()
        Get the SubTitle text
        sub title
      • setSubTitle

        public void setSubTitle​(java.lang.String text)
        Set the SubTitle text
        text - the text
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Get the Title text
        Specified by:
        getText in class MessageDisplay
        the text
      • setText

        public void setText​(java.lang.String text)
        Set the Title text
        Specified by:
        setText in class MessageDisplay
        text - the text
      • getFadeIn

        public int getFadeIn()
        Get the FadeIn time
        fade in
      • setFadeIn

        public void setFadeIn​(int fadeIn)
        Set the FadeIn time
        fadeIn - the fade in
      • getFadeOut

        public int getFadeOut()
        Get the FadeOut time
        fade out
      • setFadeOut

        public void setFadeOut​(int fadeOut)
        Set the FadeOut time
        fadeOut - the fade out
      • getTime

        public int getTime()
        Get the Show time
        Specified by:
        getTime in class MessageDisplay
        the time
      • send

        public void send​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Send the Title to the player
        Specified by:
        send in class MessageDisplay
        player - the player
      • stop

        public void stop​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Stop sending the title to the player
        Specified by:
        stop in class MessageDisplay
        player - the player
      • setTimedEvent

        public void setTimedEvent​(TimedEvent timedEvent)
        Set the TimedEvent
        setTimedEvent in class TimedObject
        timedEvent - the timed event
      • clear

        public void clear​(org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
        Clear the title off the player's screen
        player - the player